What a card!

I never set out to collect playing cards; it just sort of happened.  One day I realized I had a collection of poker cards, and since then have been collecting them on purpose.  I ordered these today; they were the inspiration for this post.

This is not my full collection.  I seem to have misplaced the other deck of optical illusion cards.  I completely forgot about the Joker deck until after I’d finished taking pictures. I forgot about the Star Wars poker set until just now, though I think the cards in that set are duplicates of some of the ones here.  There’s at least two decks of the more standard red- and blue-backed poker decks (actually they’re probably bridge decks, but same idea) around somewhere.  And there may be others I’m still forgetting.

I didn’t intend to photograph the cat, either, but when I started setting the packs down, she decided they were the coolest thing since catnip. She also refused to sit still, therefore blurry cat.  She attacked me when I picked them back up again.

Music Box

As always, lighting is an issue.  Too bright with the flash on; too dark with it off.  Something like this where I’m filming close-up, I really need a better external light, since the flash will always be too bright if it’s right next to the object it’s illuminating.  I settled for toggling it, since some details are easier to see with it on, and some easier to see with it off.

I tried to capture the snow globe aspect of this as well, but the camera just wasn’t picking up the glitter inside the glass globe. Lighting again: the flash made the glass too reflective, but without it, it was too dark to see.


I actually didn’t realize this guy had a name until I went and looked it up just in case.  Of course he has a name. You don’t make something that cool and not give it a name.  Then again, I don’t remember fighting him in Kingdom Hearts either, despite having finished the game.